Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My hero

Pensive, originally uploaded by scrollwork.
Salmon-flavored cream cheese, licked from a spoon. Oceanfish paté-style canned food. The overgrown corner of the garden that serves as both a lookout spot and Fort Kitty. These are a few of his favorite things.

"You've been home alone too long," Steve said when he heard me talking to Charlie. "You talk to the cat and the laptop." I think Steve minds only because he keeps mistaking my out-loud remarks for attempts at conversation with him.

The cat and the laptop have become my must-haves during this reinvention phase. Although I think the cat has a few more merit badges. He has singlehandedly averted empty-nest syndrome, underemployment stir-craziness, and perimenopausal mood extremes. No prescription necessary.