It is the irony of (many) human relationships that the more they think they have you the less they treat you like the gem you've been to them.
The conquest is done, they have you in their pocket; on to the next chase.
The younger mistress, the new star employee, the client they're trying to land, the novelty of an untested partnership. Quite a catch. Dazzling new possibilities. More money. That air of unavailability. And the newbie won't know all their faults (yet)! They guzzle the hero worship like cold beer on a sweltering afternoon.
This is how the older brother of the Prodigal Son felt. What, no fatted calf for me, after I have served you all these years?
They've asked for your total loyalty but still lust for the next bright shiny object of their ambition. As a former 40-something bachelor acquaintance once put it, "There might be someone better out there."
Undoubtedly, there is someone better out there. Better than they are. Someone who practices gratitude, who expresses appreciation, who gives you the benefit of the doubt and never takes your commitment for granted.
Sometimes we are the neglected, the overlooked, the underappreciated locked into what started as a bond but feels like bondage.
Sometimes we are the ungrateful wretches and don't know or don't care that we are. And we are in a prison of a different sort.